Free Maternity Minis
Completely free, 15 minute, mom only studio maternity sessions.
Receive a beautiful portrait to help remember your glow, with studio wardrobe access and enjoy $100 off your studio or in home newborn session.
Limited Motherhood Sessions
Create something beautiful with the littlest people you love the most that you can actually hang on your walls.
These limited sessions focus on the emotion and beauty found in motherhood.
These sessions include professional hair and makeup, studio wardrobe, 5 digital images or a $200 gallery credit.
Model Call
Deeply discounted, 30 minute studio sessions.
Currently searching for newborns to visit me in my Jeffersonville, New York studio for a quick and easy, baby led newborn studio session.
Parents receive an online gallery filled with beautiful images of their baby, in color and black and white, with a voucher for their three favorite photos to download.