I can just about guarantee that any time I work with any member of this family, there will be abnormally gorgeous light and all the green eyes and freckles my little photographer heart could ever want!
What you see here is a small sampling of the entire gallery I will soon be delivering to them. In their gallery there are 84 unique images, but each will be edited in black and white as well as color, so 168 images in all. This is about the average size of my galleries from my full sessions. The beauty of this, even when working with 5 adults and one very cold but sweet almost 3 year old is that this session took us about 30 minutes total. That's it.
During those 30 minutes I harness the efficient workflow I've developed to keep your session moving . What this means is that there's always a list of combinations and "poses" I have in my head that I need to check off, and I do them in an order that makes sense and doesn't waste time. This has been so useful for me, especially when working with children, or in cold weather. Yesterday, both factors were in play, but we were still able to get tons of beautiful images, with a variety of poses in a short amount of time.
Of course, that's not to say that working longer than this wasn't an option. My full sessions are for up to two hours, but it's pretty rare that it takes me that long.
Thanks again to the Roseos, especially Paige and Taylor who gifted this session as a gift to their mother. I' can't wait to deliver the rest of this gallery to you later tonight! Until then, enjoy this sneak peek!
XX Jill
